Chirurgie et Médecine Esthétique
"Maintenir les proportions pour un résultat naturel et harmonieux"
Il existe différentes techniques pour corriger certaines zones ciblées du corps ou de façon plus globale la silhouette dans son ensemble. On parle ainsi de liposuccion appelée aussi lipoaspiration ou body conturing
Heredity factors , weight changes, pregnancy, and some hormonal changes like thyroid malfunction are some examples that can lead to local fat accumulation and uneven body contour.
Superficial body areas like thighs, abdomen, hips , arms or frontal neck are most common treated areas that aims to reduce and make the superficial appearance more smooth and even.
A liposuction is advised to combine with healthier eating and regular physical activity.
Liposuction is a surgery that removes fat by suction combined sometimes with laser or radiofrequency. Liposuction is also used toLiposuction reduces number of fat cells which gives a permanent removal of treated area.
Liposuction is not considered to reduce an overall overweight . It is aimed to reduce the local fat accumulation in a otherwise stable normal bodyweight.